
Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I just heard from my sister that my Dad is out of surgery!  All went very well which is such great news; the cancer was successfully removed and there is no sign that it has spread.  Praise the Lord!!  He is in recovery right now and they will see him later this afternoon.  

Tag your It!

Before I go I must tag the following people....if you don't know what that means check out my 'tagged' blog entry.  Can't wait to read them!

Tag your it!!

Janis Scott (seriously Janis you need to start a blog!)
Katie Lloyd (what is your new last name??)
Heather Mellstrom (because I would love to hear about your life; the snippets I have heard are fascinating!)
Heidi Vage (she was to be my blog of next week, if I think I had it tough moving to Arizona she moved from the US to Norway!  Learning a new language just puts a whole new spin on things)
AND  Renee Gleason (lovely lady!!)

Going away...

Noah and I are heading up to Canada early tomorrow morning!  Our flight leaves at 6:30 in the morning and I have been practicing for the big day.  For example today I woke up at 4:45 am  because my son uncharacteristically decided to wake up at that time and scream for food.  Not a cute little cry but full on, top of your lungs, scream.  Thankfully my husband quickly got up, made him some food and then decided to turn on the TV on at the loudest setting and watch a program on Japan.  I believe sometime during this I stumbled out into the living room and gave him a look of death, for the TV volume went down, and I went back to sleep.  I know most of you are probably saying, Heidi your husband actually got up and fed the baby!?  I am thankful for that!  I just have problems with early mornings.  Hence the need to practice getting up...

That is my silly story but now for the reason I am going home.  My Dad, right now actually, is having surgery.  He was diagnosed with prostate cancer pretty shortly after Noah was born and today, after months of waiting, is the surgery.  I felt God leading me last week to book a last minute ticket and be with my family.  We are planning on being there for one week and should be back into Phoenix on the 8.  

 We are praying for my Dad as he will be facing a lot of down time (especially hard for someone who can't stand sitting still), my Mom as she will now have a different role as care giver and my sister who does much in helping and caring for our parent's.  

I will be away from a working computer for the week but would love your prayers during this time!  
Love the Cassadays

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blog of the Week

So I sort of like highlighting certain people's blogspot that maybe most of us haven't seen or heard of.  I don't actually tell the person that I am doing this, but I think hey it's a blog they expect people to check it out!!  Here is my blog of the week.  It is done by Heather Mellstrom; not only was this lady a princess for many years (seriously) but looks to me like she is one talented lady.  

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I Was Tagged!!

Thanks Melissa....

20 Years ago...I was 11 years old, still attending a French Immersion School and living on Prospect Lake in Victoria, BC.  This year was huge for me; I started attending a youth group which meant the beginning of a social life AND the beginning of noticing that other sex: boys.  I may have been a late bloomer but there was no stopping me now!   The only other thing I can remember was I loved taking dance classes and went on a Band Trip to the USA!!  

10 Years ago...A lot changes in ten years; the most drastic change?  I had become a Christian in my early teens... I had it all planned out I was to be married, on the way to having my first child and probably solving world peace by the time I hit 21.  Well I hit it and I was not married, not with child and definitely not solving world peace.  I was however figuring out lessons that God obviously had for me.  I had spent my last two summers living on a native reserve running youth and children's programs.  I got a job as a Special Needs assistant for a preschool and worked in an after school children's program.  I had to learn how to drive one of those mini school buses for that job and it terrified me.  My major mishap was one day I forgot to put the bus in park, got out of the vehicle (thankfully no kids were with me at the time) and then watched as it gained momentum rolling down the hill.  I ran like I have never run before, jumped into the vehicle and stopped it right before it was about to hit a building.  I guess I wouldn't have had that job for long...

5 Years Ago...By this time in my life I had moved to Nanaimo (a small town still on Vancouver Island) finished my schooling and was working at a High School as an Education Assistant.  I was living with a friend in a lovely apartment building with a fire hazard tenant on one side (seriously one day my roomate came home, saw smoke billowing out our neighbors door and when he came to the door he acted like nothing was wrong, smoke what smoke?) and some super noisy (not in a good way) neighbors on the other side.  I was not doing well in my job; my student had a history of violence which would cause the school to go into lockdown mode.  Yes they would all lock their classroom doors so she couldn't get in and then they would call the police.  I remember one day, after one of her blowups, she was outside trying to 'run' away and I thought to myself why am I alone outside with her?  Well I quickly left that job and did something completely uncharacteristic, I became a Missionary.  I traded my secure life for adventure.  I loved it; I lived in a remote coastal town, learned how to drive a boat (our only mode of transportation) and wore purple gumboots every day.  

3 Years Ago...I met my wonderful man, Kelly.  Need I say more?  Plus that is a super long story.  

1 Year Ago...I was just pregnant, we had finally received my immigration papers allowing us to move to Arizona, we drove down to Arizona, with a crazy cat, along the I5, I felt ill the whole time (in denial that I could possibly be pregnant) and we arrived to our house that was completely torn apart.  Oh and I need to mention it had been a bachelor house for over three years.  YIKES.  This was the time to panic.  New place, new town,  new church, newly pregnant, somewhat new marriage, and new country.  Let's just say that I went through some tough times.  

Today...I just put down our four month old (Noah) down for his afternoon nap and I will eventually make dessert for tonight's Bible study (probably once I am done writing this post).  Noah and I spent the morning at our local library checking out books and music.  We (I) eventually picked out an african children's CD which we spent a wonderful time dancing to this afternoon.  I am in love with being a Mom and we are so thankful that we have been given this gift.  

Tomorrow...I will try to brave the post office.  Spend the evening with our little family and try, try, try to get outside for a walk.  

One year...Funny or crazy as this might sound?  Hopefully we will be well on our way to having baby number two!!  As for the rest of us?  Noah could be one active boy, Kelly will be the same wonderful parent  he has been from Noah's birth, and I will be emotional, fat and loving it!!   And maybe we should throw in a dog, a few more fish and of course Enzo into the mix.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Noah's a Star!!

I have to do the Mommy thing and show my sonny boy off.  We were so grateful to have a friend, Zak, come over and take professional pics of Noah.  Here is the website to check out our little boy's photos!  

I have now posted it on the side bar.  Living Creation Photography.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Funny Stuff

I tried posting this before but it wouldn't work so I will try again.  Kelly and I discovered one of my favourite TV specials on YouTube; I made him watch all four episodes because well I think it's hilarious.  A few years ago a Canadian comedian thought it would be fun to head down to the states and ask all different types ( Ivy League Professors to Tourists) questions about Canada.  He had them sign fake petitions and make comments like: Congratulations Canada on legalizing staplers.  Huh??!!  If you want a good laugh here is what to do:

Go to Youtube, Enter in Rick Mercer Talking to Americans, and enjoy.

Highlighting: Katie's Blog

I didn't tell my friend Katie that I was going to do this so I hope she doesn't mind!  But if you want to read a hilarious blog about what happens when a cute American marries a Canadian, and has to move to Alberta while waiting for immigration papers, read the following blog ( on the side under my blog list) called In the Grip of Grace.  She is keeping me in stitches.  I have no hard feelings toward her when she complains about Canadian ways that she finds annoying (postal codes and such) because I know that soon she won't want to move away from the Great White!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Lime Green Pod

Here's Noah's new bebepod.  We just got it for him because we thought he might like to join us for our meals rather than sit over in the family room by himself.  He usually lasts about ten minutes in it and lately he seems to choose this time to, well, poop his pants!!  Very unappetizing for his poor parent's...

Labour Day Weekend

Noah met his cousin Mike for the first time!  Mike has been away at Basic Training (Air Force); Noah had many admirers and spent a lot of his time being cared for by his other cousin Emily!  Needless to say we were all a bit overwhelmed by the time we left.


Labour Day Weekend

Noah went to his second baseball game!  I forgot my camera for the first game so I will just pretend that he had not been before!  Diamondbacks won, the game was exciting, and Noah slept for a good amount of it; except when the lady in front of us started screaming for her team, the Cardinals.  They lost much to Kelly's excitement; I was just thankful that they have air conditioning at the ball field.  I have to ask, if our house costs as much as it does each month to keep it cool what would a ball field cost???