
Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Top Ten Favourite Suggested Labour Inducing Methods (and tried them too)

10) A Bumpy Car Ride: not so fun with a large tummy.

9) Hot and Spicy Foods: equals heartburn

8) Jogging: are you kidding me? I can barely get off the couch.

7) Jumping Jacks: desperate times calls for desperate measures

6) Warm Bath: relaxing

5) Sex: No comment

4) Walking: and walking and walking and walking

3) Swimming: refreshing and no one commented that there was a whale in the pool:)

2) Acupuncture: best method yet, started my contractions but we had a few medical things against us for this method to truly work. Thanks had to put up with a terrible patient.

and the number one method!!

1) Drugs (meaning hospital administered drugs!): Haven't tried this method yet but I am putting at number one because it's the one that is going to work!!

The never ending pregnancy!

Well it should finally happen tomorrow. At least labour should finally doctor predicts a few days of being in labour before our baby will actually arrive...which does not thrill me but I am relieved that it is finally here. Nothing like being 41 weeks and two days along in your pregnancy to want something like labour!!

We have had our ups and downs these last few weeks but one definite highlight was seeing our son again through an ultrasound. He looks so sweet all curled up with his fists around his face; he was even trying to suck on his hands while we watched. The ultrasound tech has put his current weight at 8 pounds 9 ounces and we are going to let her know if she is right!

We chose to be induced not only because he is already getting to be a nice size baby (okay big!!) we also have tried many labour inducing methods with no success! So tomorrow is the big day, I pray that I can sleep tonight, we so look forward to being able to hold our little guy. Oh and show him off...


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Our due date!

Today is the day. After all of those months of saying...oh yes my due date is May 7, well it is here! And obviously since I am writting a post that means that baby is still happily situated inside of me. I have learned that only about 3 to 4 % of women actually deliver on their due date; even with that knowledge though I still somewhat hoped. Instead I have consoled myself with some yummy we-made-it-to-our-due-date pancakes made at 6 this morning!

We will keep you posted as to the events of the next week! I have a feeling a baby may be born:)